Hi Curtis! Welcome to your website! I wanted to make this for you so that you can start really marketing your brand, and get your name out there - if you want, that is. You had said that you really wanted to move forward with this whole thing, when you had inquired about the stickers. And to me - with what you have already started with the videos - this could be your full time job if you do it right. We should talk about what that all would entail, but if you ask my opinion, what you really need to do is get people's attention and offer them a service that they want and/or need. And IMHO, what that service is would be free advertising for smaller skate shops, etc, as well as a review of local skate shops and parks, all nested within your weekly videos. You have *kind of* been doing that already... pointing out the features and populations of a few spots you've been to. And you have put links to people and places in your videos and in the notes as well, but this way, all of that stuff lives HERE, on YOUR website, not YouTube. So people can come here for a one stop shop. Plus, you can watch all of your videos here as well, and never leave the site.
Now, what I have put in here so far, I have done so as an example of what can be done, and kind of what I am thinking I would do in your position. Any and all of it can be changed. I would love for all of the content to come from you (if you are, in fact, interested in any of this), and I can just post it for you as you get it, or write some, edit some... whatever you want. In all, I just want you to succeed in doing what I imagine would be your dream job - skating for a living - and I wanted to do something to help that along. So you tell me what you wanna do. I won't be offended if its nothing, or change everything, or, "I hate it, scrap it all." But let me know and we can take it from there... Oh, and the contact form currently sends to curtis@sk84thelove.com, which forwards to your gmail. I can change and/or add email accounts as you'd like...
My name is Curtis, though some know me as "Burt". I love a lot of people, places and things, but chief among them is skateboarding. Its always been there for me: to cheer me up, to challenge me, and to free my soul. While "For The Love Of It" has been my creedo for many a year, I just recently started making some videos of me exploring, adventuring, meeting new people skating with friends and checking out all of the cool spots in my area. This website is meant to supplement those videos and help get the word out.
On this site, you will find links to my YouTube Channel and the videos I have posted on there, plus some thoughts I have on life, skating, family, music and, well... me. You will also find some bits about my friends and skate buddies, and even my furry companions on the Friends page. And finally, I talk all things skateboarding on the Skateboarding page - including tips and tricks, gear I like, any sponsors I have, and other skaters I am a fan of. Plus you'll be able to get whatever merchandise I have on that page as well.
But whatever the reason is that you have made it to my website, please know that I have made all of it for the love of it. Always.
